After spending two glorious months in Kazan, I'm back in the States. Actually, I've been back for about six weeks now, but who's counting? As I've been reminded by my mother, I don't do a very good job of tying up loose ends on my blog when I leave a place. I get caught up in the busyness that ensues from trying to suck every last bit of goodness and adventure out of a place before I must leave, saying my see-you-later's to new friends, and hastily packing the belongings I've magically accrued over the summer. I'll blame busyness, but the real culprit is the fact that I find it extremely difficult to sum up an experience with a few short words in any way that feels meaningful or worthy of what was. The week leading up to my departure from Kazan, I was overwhelmed with a deep sadness that I had to leave Russia again. I by no means want to give up my life in America for a forever-life in Russia, but Russianess is so deeply ingrained in who I am that I don't think I will ever be able to escape it. For better or worse.
Kazan surprised me in a lot of ways. I didn't expect to live in such a beautiful, cultured, and developing city. I didn't expect to find such a cool and harmonious blend of Christianity and Islam. I didn't expect to make true friends in such a short period of time, let alone good ones. I didn't expect to feel like I left a little piece of me behind. I didn't expect to fall in love with that place.
Because I am a normal (read: completely insane) person, I have decided to quench my post-Soviet yearnings by a jaunt through the Caucuses. I was recently accepted into a program called Teach and Learn with Georgia to become an ESL teacher for school aged children in the Republic of Georgia, and I am leaving TODAY to make the long trek eastward. The answer to any further question you might ask me about this will inevitably be "I don't know" (as my parents have quickly learned failed to learn), as my placement, length of stay, and exact role is still yet to be determined. BUT in a few short hours or days or a week (?) I will soon be able to answer all the where's, why's, and when's after my week-long training in Tbilisi. Stay tuned for tales from my 36-hour journey and a possible adventure into Istanbul.
To quote the Beatles yet again, Georgia's always on m-m-m-m-my mind!