Thursday, May 5, 2011

Finnish Nationalism

My blogging about Finland would not be complete if I did not share with you this song.  While most of the music played in Finland is American, we literally heard this song everywhere that we went.  The Finns would sit like they were the coolest kids in town dressed like they just stepped out of a JCrew catalogue while we Americans danced alone to "our" music, but the second this song started the Finns would flood the dance floor.  You could tangibly feel the Finnish nationalism swelling (I'm taking a class on nationalism currently, so therefore I see everything in these terms.  Sorry.).  The essence of being Finnish must be summed up in this song.  Some people think that you need to learn Finnish in order to become a citizen of Finland.  That's not really true.  All you have to know is this song.  It's a pretty great song, actually.  I can't stop listening to it.

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